
NeuroTracker is an online, three-dimensional multiple object tracking (3D-MOT) training program that offers a series of visual exercises aimed at improving attention, awareness, working memory, and processing abilities. The product addresses attention deficits and other compromised EF skills and is designed to promote mental clarity and focus. This perceptual-cognitive training system was developed over 20 years by optometry professor and neuroscientist Dr. Jocelyn Faubert in his lab at the School of Optometry at the University of Montreal. It can benefit a wide range of users, including students with learning difficulties and those looking to improve already strong academic performance.

Users view a series of balls on a screen that are moving randomly. The movement stops, and two or more balls are highlighted momentarily. The user is then instructed to track these targets when motion continues (and the balls are no longer marked), and successfully select them when motion stops again. The program is being used to improve situational awareness and response times in many academic and elite-performance settings (including the NFL and the Canadian military). Research has shown that NeuroTracker training results in significant improvements in EF skills (including working memory and inhibition control), attention, and processing speed, and it has demonstrated effectiveness in assisting children with learning difficulties. Additional studies have shown that NeuroTracker training heightened neocortical brain activity.

NeuroTracker is available for school and home use. Supervision is not needed, and teachers have access to an online portal to review student results. The sessions are 6 minutes long and recommended for use 2-3 times per week. The product is programmable for speed and challenge levels and can be managed and monitored remotely.

NeuroTracker’s scope of research populations include children, university students, elite athletes, military personnel, medical school students, and the elderly. Research partners include universities in Canada, the U.S., Brazil, and Spain.

Neurotracker reports reaching more than 400,000 users.