Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy

Psychedelic medicine is positioned to change the landscape of mental health and substance use treatment.

Innovations are needed as the world faces a mental health crisis like never before; and new clinical applications of psychedelic medicine with therapy are showing significant promise.

In 2021, BrainFutures launched a three-part issue brief series and coalition-building effort focused on psychedelic-assisted therapy. These therapies hold promise for treating some of the most intractable mental health conditions, including post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and alcohol use disorder. With studies at top research institutions like Johns Hopkins, New York University, and Imperial College London showing compelling results, psychedelic medicine is rapidly gaining broad public attention.

At the same time, the complexity of issues surrounding the equitable adoption of these treatments—in particular, around how to ensure successful adoption within the behavioral health field—is significant. By generating policy-oriented issue briefs and building multi-stakeholder collaborations, BrainFutures is helping to lay an unbiased foundation for the regulatory and reimbursement work ahead.

The Latest

BrainFutures’ most recent work in the psychedelic-assisted therapy field. 

Scaling Psychedelic Therapies in the Health System

Survey on Psychedelic Therapy Curricula in Academia

Integrating Psychedelic Coursework into Higher Education: A Toolkit for Academic Leaders & Course List 

Our Reports on Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy

In support of vetting and implementing this promising new treatment modality, BrainFutures has released several reports in this area. Please click on links below to learn more about each paper.11

Psychedelic Medicine: A Review of Clinical Research for a Class of Rapidly Emerging Behavioral Health Interventions

Expediting Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy Adoption in Clinical Settings 

An Expert-Informed Introduction to the Elements of Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy

The Future of the Field: Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy

Psychedelic Access Pathways: Differentiating Medical, Wellness, and Religious Access to Psychedelics

A Path Toward Parity: Ensuring Equitable Access to Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy

Building Key Infrastructure for the Field

BrainFutures is currently working with stakeholders in the psychedelic-assisted therapy field to support consensus-based processes to define professional practice guidelines, training standards, and unified reimbursement strategies that will enable providers to receive equitable reimbursement from payers for these services.2 Our current projects are generously supported by: The Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation, Anonymous Donor, The Darla Moore Foundation, and the Cammack Family Charitable Gift Fund

Psychedelic Therapy Training and Curricula in Higher Education 

Professional Practice Guidelines for Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy

A Guide to CPT and HCPCS Codes for Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy

Presentations and Events

Please click here to view recordings of our latest events, conference presentations, and appearances.

1 BrainFutures’ report series on psychedelic medicine was generously supported by: 1440 Foundation, Austin and Gabriela Hearst Foundation, the Cammack Family Charitable Gift Fund, Dick and Alex Simon, Evolve Foundation, Randall Mays, the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation, Walker Family Foundation, Anonymous Donor
2 Our current projects are generously supported by: The Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation, Anonymous Donor, The Darla Moore Foundation, and the Cammack Family Charitable Gift Fund